Cookie Policy


Open Data Policy

open-data open-data-policy

Purpose of Policy

This policy aims at clarifying the policies of open data management in DCAS website in accordance with controls contained in:

  • The disclaimer on the website;
  • The terms and conditions on the website; and
  • The privacy policy on the website;

Scope of Policy

The scope of this policy is limited to DCAS website, and given that the document is open for continued development, its scope can be expanded according to the Public Policy of the UAE e-Government and the related instructions.


Definition of Open Data:

This term refers to the data that anyone can use freely and with no technical, financial, or legal constraints, as well as re-use, and disseminate it, taking into account the legal license requirements according to which the data in question is disseminated. Government and non-government institutions can disseminate their openly-owned data for different purposes.

Adopting an open data policy is considered one of the leading practices that reflect the institution's desire of continued development through opening up to its clients by providing all their needs of necessary data and information in a transparent and smooth way. This also enables clients to contribute with their viewpoints about the services and activities provided by the institution. Calling for adoption of such policy at the level of the various government bodies of the UAE is in line with:

  • Objectives of UAE Vision 2021;
  • Dubai Plan 2021; and
  • Dubai Law No. 26 of 2015 that regulates the dissemination and exchange of data in the Emirate of Dubai (Dubai Data Law).

Dubai Data Law identifies two sets of data referred to collectively as Dubai Data:

  • Open Data: The data that can be disseminated with no restriction or under minimal restrictions.
  • Common Data: The data dissemination of which is subject to certain restrictions.

The Nine International Open Data Standards

  • Principle I: Instantaneous;
  • Principle II: Detailed;
  • Principle III: Available for free on the Internet;
  • Principle IV: Complete and in one patch;
  • Principle V: Analyzable;
  • Principle VI: Unrestricted;
  • Principle VII: Non-discriminatory;
  • Principle VIII: Available without a license; and
  • Principle IX: Always available.

General Specifications for Open Data

When adopting the open data policy for a website, the institution is expected to abide by the following guidelines at minimum:

  • Data disseminated covers the government body's services and activities that would be of value to clients/website visitors;
  • Website visitors will be able to access the data without any obstructions (for example: request to log in);
  • Data disseminated will be re-used by cut/paste format as well as downloadable;
  • Preferable formats for the files used for data available are Word and Excel since they give users full flexibility;
  • Website visitors will be allowed to express opinion about the published data;
  • Data published will be readable by devices;
  • Website users will be allowed to know the type and size of the file as well as the time required to download it before starting downloading;
  • In case the file needs a special program to run it, website users must be notified;
  • Providing all possible platforms for interaction with data users and sharing inks to other online platforms in which the data in question may be discussed, such as forums, blogs, Facebook pages, etc.; and
  • Open data page must contain the open data policy which gives users a clear unequivocal license for data usage and dissemination.

Liability of DCAS and Terms of Open Data Re-usage

  • This data is available for usage and re-usage, and republishing by any individual, legal or government entity.
  • When using this data, you should state that the source is DCAS in order to maintain its credibility and validity.
  • Data user should not misrepresent the data, its source, or mislead others.
  • This data should not be used for political purposes, supporting an illegal or criminal activity, used in racist or discriminatory comments, or for agitation or negative impact on the culture, equality, incitement, or any non-regulatory activity, or that is contrary to the customs and traditions.
  • DCAS is not liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, incidental, or collateral, special, or exceptional damage, that may arise from the usage or inability to use this open data, including, but not limited to, loss of revenue, loss of reputation, loss of business, loss of data, computer failure or improper running, or any other damage.
  • User of open data on DCAS website acknowledges his/her usage of the open data on his/her responsibility and DCAS does not assume any liability whatsoever to update all the open data in the future, especially when they are based on current assumptions and forecasts that may lead to some risks and raise some suspicions about any results showing a mismatch between current state on ground and forecasted future.
  • DCAS is not liable for any damage caused to the user or anyone else as a result of a violation of confidentiality of information and shall not compensate them for that.
  • The online electronic versions of DCAS documents published on this website are for informational purposes only, the final version of any DCAS document is the original version that is printed, signed, and kept by DCAS. In case a document is signed by the authorized person, the final version shall be the original printed and signed that was approved by DCAS. In case of any discrepancy between documents, the version kept by DCAS shall prevail.
  • DCAS shall not be liable for all implicit warranties and terms with respect to the information published in the Open Data section.

Liability of Data User

The data user is responsible for data reuse in DCAS portal. Reuse of this data shall not produce and errors related to content, source, and date of the data.

Added Values of Availability of Government Open Data

  • Promoting transparency and public participation;
  • Improving the efficiency of government services;
  • Providing opportunities for creating new products and services;
  • Providing opportunities for creating new fields of work and economic opportunities; and
  • Creating new knowledge by integrating multiple data sources and massive data processing.

Open Data

Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services provides accessible data with the utmost accuracy and transparency on its Smart Portal. The goal is to enhance human development, encourage public participation, and elevate community awareness and happiness, ultimately contributing to the realization of a smart city.

The datasets are available on Dubai Pulse, complying with Law (26) of 2015 Regulating Data Dissemination and Exchange in the Emirate of Dubai and Law (2) of 2016 Establishing the Dubai Data Establishment.

Important Notice:

Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services assumes no liability for any distortion, modification, or misuse of the provided data. Customers are granted the right to use this data and statistics at their own discretion and assume full responsibility. It is mandatory to mention the source when using the data.


The guidelines contained in this document are the minimum for adopting the open data policy with the clients. Commitment to these guidelines reflects seriousness to make this policy successful and take advantage of its results in increasing confidence with clients and continued development of the services.