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The achievements of the organization

Better a sponsor of creativity DubaiAward for Excellence in Government

Announced by the state for years Labdaa and innovation out of the vision and strategy of good government in response to its wise leadership session And it confirmed the special jury prize to Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services ridiculed a large part of its resources to serve the creativity and prepared fully for the l​evel of creativity and innovation in search in the organization and has worked to improve it through initiatives that support the creative environment in the enterprise to encourage employees to be positive elements and entrepreneurs and innovators The executive director Khalifa bin Dray said the foundation has organized more than 12 workshops and lectures in the field of creativity in addition to participating in local conferences that deal with creativity, and honored all proposals, whether from staff or dealers, sponsored internal competitions for innovation and creativity (such innovations of re-industrialization, and Oasis creativity, and best story from the field, and the best creative work),

Added Ben Dray said the foundation has sought to culture creative ideas in its employees and extracted by holding brainstorming sessions with the participation of leaders and direct support, and assigning specialized teams to study with the participation of staff throughout the day and time, as the organization sought to ease some of the actions to be more staff flexible. The leaders issued some decisions that will create a culture of creativity, innovation and transform the ordinary into unique and creative employee. This has greatly contributed to the results in addition to the development of communication channels smart to continue leaders and staff at all segments around the clock, rising numbers of staff suggestions are Mlahoz exceeded increase of 500% from the previous years, in addition to improving internal processes in creative ways and invent some of the equipment and roads traditional, which in turn has provided millions of dirhams to the institution, where he has become the workshop organization and its staff tributary of real innovation in the enterprise. The director of the Office of Alastregih institutional excellence acting student glum student administration director of ambulance operations, the number of proposals added to the 4338 proposal last year after it was 250,317,383 in the previous years also increased internal excellence teams and included most of the functional slides where those who have the knowledge, experience and efficiency and has doubled workshops and lectures organized by the Foundation to encourage the creativity and innovative thinking and create an environment encouraging creativity.

He demanded glum that the Foundation has developed an electronic mechanism allocated for the registration staff skills to be the use of the creative skills in projects that support the Foundation, in addition to the launch of creative time Initiative Foundation staff, which means giving the employee's creative space to work on the ameliorative projects wherever it wills and harness all enterprise resources to support projects and ideas , explaining that the culture of innovation has become the language spoken by the staff and daily work practices to the extent that paramedics Apetkro ways unconventional and creative in treating patients when they face some challenges. He noted that the organization formed a creative team headed by a distinguished staff and the membership of some of the creators, where the team was able to accomplish large tasks and attracted top creative people and invited them to visit the institution like Ahmed Magan and Adib Al Balushi and others. He stressed that the organization is seeking to move forward in creativity and innovation to reach the top of the global ranking and become an example to follow, as the leadership of the institution believes that creativity is the only solution to continue forward to provide the best ambulance emergency services in the Emirate of Dubai in light of the rapid growth and Aldharov changing seeks Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services to emergency response in four minutes as an indicator strategically to provide advanced treatment services at the scene, not far from the institution in the future that transcends borders and provide ambulatory services to the whole world using innovative and creative ways unprecedented.

The best adopted global standards in the area

Excellence and health care award

Won the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services Middle East Award for the ninth excellence and attention to customer service in the public sector category, organized by the Middle East Awards Institute, which was held at the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai last January, in recognition of the achievements that the institution made in the provision of health care to members of the public, consistent with the best adopted global standards in this area, where the institution has achieved a quantum leap in community and medical services that took into account the nature of the UAE and its citizens and residents in addition to the suitability of the terrain and climate fluctuations.

The award was received by the Executive Director of the Foundation Khalifa bin Dray, who expressed his delight at the organization of this prestigious award, which reflects the success of the services offered in the field of pre-hospital care through they are based on standards and methodologies internationally approved.

The jury reviewed a positive and significant development in the enterprise services particularly with regard to health care and attention to the wounded, and the speed of access to them in order to facilitate their treatment in a comfortable environment and high levels of quality certificate of health experts in developed countries, and honored to provide those basic services that reflect the growing interest in the interests of patient care to resuscitate him and save his life as well as the keenness of the Foundation to develop tools and provide Msafeeha particular, employees generally all that is necessary to develop their abilities and improve the scientific and training levels to allow them to carry out their duties the best way possible and strengthen their roles in saving lives and protecting and securing community.

Your security touch of a button

Hamdan bin Mohammed Award for Smart Government for service

Won the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services jointly with the Dubai Police Force Award Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart Government for the best joint government service a service (your security touch of a button) via smartphones.

This allows the application of (your security touch of a button) for rapid patient to call the police and call the ambulance very quickly and set the coordinates of the location in which it resides, making it easier to reach him and save his life.

The Executive Director Khalifa bin dray delighted with this victory, stressing that the guidance and vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, represent a beacon for the work of the ambulance and its keenness to give pleasure to the audience and stand on their needs and easing them praising HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Initiative Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and chairman of the Executive Council to establish Award for Smart Government, which form a major incentive for employees to develop the best services and electronic applications and to highlight their creations in this area and access this security device to the highest international centers and to create an integrated security system which offers the service to members of the community as quickly as required and various smart roads.

Take advantage of the possibilities and opportunities

ALECSO Award from the application of "my identity"

He won the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services first place at the state level within the Arab Organization for Education, Science and Culture "ALECSO" applications for mobile education class to use the application "my identity" to teach Arabic language award and explained to non-native speakers.

Arab Organization for Education, Science and Culture "ALECSO" that sponsor the Dubai Foundation award for ambulance services and honored on this occasion in a ceremony held title Marina Dubai Hotel was attended by Dr. Mohammed Al-Mualla, Deputy Minister of Education, who presented the award to Khalifa bin Dray, CEO of Dubai for ambulance services in the presence of Dr. Abdullah Hamad warrior Director-General of the Arab Organization for Education, culture, Science and Hamad Obaid Al Mansouri, Director General of the General Authority for regulating the telecommunications sector.

He said Khalifa bin dray All that was achieved was keeping up to the expectations of good government in the transition to smart government and to take advantage of the possibilities and opportunities of innovative staff employed by the government of Dubai where he was forming a group on the implementation of tasks related to the Arabic language support and strengthen national identity and identify target groups It is the application of medical staff category of non-Arabic speakers and a class society.

Isa al-Ghafari, director of institutional support in the organization explained that the application is the first of its kind at the state level as a unique textured new operation targeting specialized groups in the medical field has been designed from the reality of the daily work of emergency departments in both aid centers or hospitals as well as it contributes to education Arabic language and means of modern smart.

She stressed mandated by Alkitob president of communication and public relations department head of the Arabic language team in the organization that the application is characterized by listing conversational substance used short sentences commonly used during the diagnosis of pathological conditions have been devised in the field of 50 ambulatory station in the emirate of Dubai. later that the Foundation has organized 102 workshop for cadres Medical and visited 25 medical facility in order to circulate the application and teaching contents.

It was the annual award assigned to the best of completed applications the Arab world in the fields of education, culture, science and educational games which fall under the broader implemented by the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science in order to provide technological and institutional environment necessary to contribute to the emergence of an Arab industry applications of smart phones and digital paintings project.

Facilitate the right deal at the right time

First place category delight dealers within the conference awards Arab ideas

It won the "Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services" first place for happiness dealers category within the awards ideas Arab Conference organized by Dubai Quality Group in Dubai in order to apply intelligent "my identity."

Intelligent application and enhances "my identity" Arab identity among the medical staff of the institution by increasing the deal in the Arabic language, especially the field of them as well as the strengthening of national identity and strengthen belonging to the state and to develop the skills of paramedics in a smart deal with patients.

The medic can use this application through translation and listen to Arabic sentences and Mradfha with those around him to be able to know the symptoms suffered by the patient or what he wants in detail to facilitate the right deal at the right time.

And targeting Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services of the launch of this smart application keep up with initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Council "Amir" two special promotion of the use of the Arabic language and intelligent switching services to government agencies.

Award for the best international practices

Award "international best practices" for "motherhood and childhood ambulance"

He won the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, award for the best international practices in its fourth last year, which was held in the Philippines, for the project "ambulance motherhood and childhood," superior to the 49 international point of competition.

He explained Executive Director of the Foundation Khalifa bin Dray, that the institution is the first specialized in emergency services agencies in the world, to win this award, and has won the "ambulance motherhood and childhood," local awards, as well as displayed in more than one international conference, also published details of the project in scientific medical bulletin Australian, as the best global and innovative practice for last year, pointing out that 49 global destination competed in the competition during the first round, and qualified for the project to the second round with a 23 share, and announced the final result by winning first place.

He added that the winning project meets the requirements and characteristics of the community, to provide the service for women by Msafat trained in obstetrics and gynecology, and this is the project's first ambulance who specializes in cases of pregnancy and childbirth, supported devices differ from the first public, pointing out that this service won the audience of women and people of satisfaction patients by 99%, and service is provided by the 16 medic, in addition to the eight drivers.

And be a team participating in the award of the Foundation's Executive Director, Khalifa bin dray, and Director of Medical and Technical Affairs, Dr. Omar al-Saqqaf, advisor operations, Neil Kirby, the director of projects, names Zainal, the head of Studies Department, Dr. Sami mind, Head of Research Division, enlighten Ahmed, the flower-Najjar and happy Dahab (of the institution).

And stimulate competition for best practices institutions to exchange experiences, and are encouraged to learn from the experience of others, it also offers a rare opportunity to showcase the achievements of institutions in various countries around the world.

The judging panel includes seven arbitrators proven expertise and efficiency, a decline in the rehabilitation of the contenders Bmrahltha requests, and include participation on the visual presentation, and answer the Committee's questions, and explain in detail the stages of the service.

According to Director of Medical and Technical Affairs in the organization, Dr. Omar al-Saqqaf, said that the organization "ambulance motherhood and childhood" service launched by mid-2009, taking into account the specificity of women, who prefer to deal with ministering in pathological cases, especially obstetrics cases. "He added that the service transmitted any woman in the case of the birth, and it is working on Msafat qualifications for obstetric operations efficiently, explaining that the service since its launch has shifted a large number of pregnant women, and many of them carried out to generate safe operations inside the ambulance.

And that each vehicle equipped with the necessary generating equipment, and ultrasonic devices, and the needs of the newborn, such as diapers and infant clothes, pointing out that "the service is available free of charge around the clock, both requested by women Batsahin phone the ambulance, to move them the car within minutes, and transferred to the hospital, which Ergpinh."

Skills and training on the ongoing preparedness

Adoption of «ambulance Dubai» a global hub for training programs

I got the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services international accreditation «to be accredited to provide training programs for global group to support the life of the injuries in the pre-hospital branches worldwide». The Foundation holds «Msafeeha training periodically on for dealing with injuries standards, to hone skills and training on the ongoing preparedness, and rapid intervention».

Paramedic training According to training specialist at the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services head of vocational training, Acting Department, Dr. Khalid Luqman, that the Foundation provides ongoing training on the initial and advanced to deal with the heart attack cases for adults and children, also provides ongoing training to Msafeeha to deal with medical conditions underground and injuries through an international adoption programs . He said the training department is working to attract other relevant international adoption professional programs, such as life support program in disaster, and a program to deal with injuries to children in pre-hospital. The organization is keen on a commitment to providing the training program level of quality in line with international best practices, and to ensure the provision of a realistic training situations different injuries.

The director of management training and continuing education, Jamal Issa Alroiei, the professional software specialized training in the field of health care in the pre-hospital phase, is to develop technicians emergency medicine categories tools and paramedics alike, to provide them with the latest news of health care in the pre-hospital, pointing out that obtaining accreditation came after the effort and preparation done by training and continuing education department, included the rehabilitation of the coaching staff of the institution inside and outside the country, so as to ensure the fulfillment of the conditions and requirements of the international community.

He explained that the international community to support life in injuries (ITLS), it is a global non-profit, working to reduce the complications resulting from injuries in the pre-hospital phase, and seeking through training to provide emergency care for injuries.

He said Alroiei, that «since the founding of the group in 1985 until today, it has become has more than 90 branches and training centers based in more than 35 countries worldwide, the training program for the group only program approved by Emergency Physicians American College is (ACEP) ».

He continued: «methodology used in the training program of the Group focuses on the identification, evaluation and to provide emergency treatment for injuries and transport safe and effective for the injured to the hospital, also used the Group's approach as an essential part in the course of respondents and technicians emergency medicine and paramedics around the world».

He Alroiei that the group sessions cover different needs to deal with injuries, such as safe output for people from confined spaces, and advanced life support, and support the lives of children, and a training course for providers of medical care for the military, all in the pre-hospital stage.

He added that the program which is being implemented in two or three days, provides theoretical lectures for trainees cover the prevention of infection, and evaluate the scene and treat the injured, and dealing with the airway, and deal with the head, chest, abdomen, pelvis and spine and limbs injuries, dealing with burns, and cases of injuries when pregnant women, children and the elderly.

The program takes a hands-on basic skills such as initial assessment and dealing with injuries, and evaluation of secondary and dealing with injuries, dealing with cases of air shock fluid retention in the lung membrane, and install the spinal cord and install fractures.

For its part, head of community outreach department approved the programs of the international community to deal with injuries and coordinator said in a pre-hospital stage in Dubai, Mary Awfi, said that the organization put a training plan to train all medics Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services group sessions, and receive multiple requests for work provided to paramedics workers in the tourism, industrial and oil facilities in Dubai and beyond.

She completed «institution rehabilitation crew training of paramedics and doctors, certified trainers programs Group», the follow-up to «the organization assumed to have 13 coaches doctors and paramedics supported by the international community to deal with injuries, the Foundation is working to raise the number of crew training to meet the training needs of the crew and paramedics working for all authorities in Dubai », pointing to the existence of a growing demand for training workers in the tourism, industrial and oil installations for paramedics.

Adopting the highest quality standards

Dr. Omar al-Saqqaf choose regional representative of the Asian Association of Emergency Medical Services

I got the United Arab Emirates represented by the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services international recognition by adopting the highest quality standards in the emergency medical services after the selection of Dr. Omar al-Saqqaf, Director of Medical and Technical Affairs organization's regional representative for the Association of Asian Services Emergency Medicine, whose members include 77 countries.

The General Assembly has chosen during the session in a country headquarters in Singapore last week, Dr. Saqqaf regional representative for the Middle East group and West Asia, which includes the UAE and the GCC countries, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Iran and the rest of the West Asian 20-nation bloc Council.

Is interested in Asian Association for Services Emergency Medicine, which was founded in 2011, the emergency medicine system and focuses on the development of disasters and crises effectively and efficiently manage services and aims to unify the systems and mechanisms of emergency medicine in the Asian region is also aimed at the cooperation of its members in those areas and to exchange views and put forward new ideas in the field of training and education continuous research and launch and conduct relevant scientific conferences held that achieve all those goals Studies.

Dr Omar Saqqaf The association also aims to improve the performance of doctors and paramedics, nurses and technicians, emergency medicine and develop their abilities, allowing them to carry out their activities easily and conveniently and to achieve the goal of the ambulatory and medical service to the fullest and in an integrated manner, pointing out that this serves as a global recognition of an international adoption to adopt enterprise and lift the finest medical care services and pre-private emergency medical services hospital.

He Saqqaf said the UAE get this representation reflects the confidence the regional in-aid and medical care provided in the United Arab Emirates and Dubai in particular, treatment services, stressing that the organization offers more than 21 specialized service outgrow them on their counterparts in the developed countries that have preceded us stages in their submission and expressed Saqqaf optimism about the future of these services in Dubai and expressed his delight at this institution representation pointing out that he will increase the patient's citizens and residents' confidence in health coverage for the state and its institutions.

Encourage employees to excellence

Internal Excellence Award

Organized by Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services Award for their employees Prize winners internal excellence and announced by the third year in a row in order to encourage employees to excellence, creativity and innovation in achieving functional and institutional goals. This comes as part of the ceremony, the permanent institution was keen to honor all the hard-working and sincere persevered in the performance of his work and his colleagues competed positive fair competition to achieve the noble goals of the Dubai ambulance services and to achieve its vision and mission.

The promotion of a culture of excellence comes in response to the directives of the wise leadership and within the rehabilitation program of the Dubai Government Excellence, which seeks to improve the performance of the Dubai government departments all either in services or departments or innovating and developing new ways to manage and develop the functional cadres and to highlight the potential which the potential of leading private available to program large incentives and breathtaking. He explained that this concert is the fruit of the harvest and the work of a whole year in which the institution completed many works of high services provided level to its customers and this program launched by the Foundation for discovering talent and motivate staff and employees to compete and put the fruitful ideas that contribute to the development and improvement of performance at all times.

Residents took the Dubai Government Excellence an integrated model emulated in all areas of corporate excellence and we consider this achievement pride of the institution and its staff. The Foundation has adopted the award and dedicated standards consistent with program standards and commensurate with the nature of their work in order to recognize and stimulate distinguished creative and create a distinct positive environment for its employees and innovative reflection on the job loyalty.